Hey Carolina!

  • I just wanted to show you what I have so far for your website redesign. I would love to know your thoughts so I know if I’m moving in the right direction.

    I designed out 2 main pages, the home page and the services page. Please keep in mind that nothing is final and most of the assets (images and text) are just placeholders for now, although if you do like any of the images let me know!

    I put in the mood board I made for my inspiration and also the style guide for font and color ideas.

    I am leaving a comments box at the bottom where you can write any and all feedback. It will be sent to my email ✨


Ahh, the more I work on this site the more exciting I get! I think it’s going to be super cool!

Just keeping you posted on where I’m at.
— I gave you some options for your logo. I’m defaulting with the original but just in case you wanted to see some variety they are on the right →
— I made some minor changes to the Home and Services pages, they are posted beside the first version below.
— I designed out 2 more pages, About and Contact. Would love any feedback on these as well.

I’m leaving another form below to give me more feedback and to answer some of my questions that I have so we can move forward ✨

Questions for you:

  1. What are your ideas for a booking system? How are you currently doing it?

    • I can either put a widget on your site from another software if you’re already using one (example Acuity) or you can use Squarespace’s built-in scheduling. This does cost extra and you would have to upgrade to a business plan though. If you are getting busy and managing your calendar is becoming a task in itself, it might be worth upgrading to automize it.

    • If you are not using a scheduling system and you are directly booking with people through text or email, we can keep it that way with a form on your site. This will keep it all in one area, it can be a page you can send people to book when they DM you, etc. You will have to manage your calendar and schedule manually.

  2. Pictures

    • Now is a good time to start collecting pictures that you want on your website. Give a few options for each category

    • Do you use Google Drive?

    • You asked me about SEO in your last email. I can do the basic SEO on your website in terms of using keywords and naming each page to be more searchable. Another great way to get better SEO is naming your images with good SEO too! For the pics that you choose, label them with each category and I will add to them to make them more SEO-friendly. (example: microblading-natural-look.jpg)

  3. Website Under Construction

    • When I am working on building out your website, changes will be happening in real time. I suggest we put an under construction page up while I put the entire site on private or if you have a specific page you want people to keep going to even when the rest of the site is offline we can do that.

    • How soon can I do this?

Woohoo!! So, let me know what you think and if things are good to keep moving forward.









I love the clean look of your brand and I wanted to incorporate more of it in your website with a soft, elegant feel. I think the colors Mist, Sisal and Sandrift bring out that softness while also complimenting the colors of skin tone that is dominant in your imagery.

I love the font that you are currently using (Proxima Nova), it is legible and welcoming. I think pairing it with Playfair Display would really elevate the design on the website. It is also really beautiful in italic.

Rounded corners bring a softness to the design so using shapes like circles, arches and pills compliment the colors and fonts.




1st version


2nd version



1st version


2nd version